
December 23, 2014


I really appreciate IASET for choosing the best people and academicians for both their publication and editorial board which help in publishing of some the best papers. Publication is timely and the flexibility given allows the author to incorporate amendments. Timely delivery of journals with certificates is professional on the part of the journal. 

Best regards, 

Assistant Professor
Management Development Institute,
Gurgaon (Haryana),

October 07, 2014

Prof. Basavarajaiah D.M, India

I highly appreciate the effort made by IASET  in meeting the timelines of publication, publication accuracy, mail responses & quality, flexibility in accommodating queries,  qualified and efficient editorial board members from different countries and its printing quality. I wish that it would be one of the leading journals in future due to its open access and peer reviewed process. It also gives higher level of privilege to publish  original work rather than to publish only the propagated works. 

Best Regards,
Prof. Basavarajaiah D.M
PGDCA, M.Sc., Agril (Stat), M.Phil (Stat), (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor of Statistics,
Veterinary College, KVAFSU (B), Hebbal, 
Bangalore.Karnataka, India 

March 24, 2014

Dr. Waqed H. Hassan, Iraq

The International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) is represents one of the most professional publishers in the world. I was able to get fast, accurate and committed responses for all correspondence and inquiries, in addition to the adherence of the projected dates for the publishing process. Observations and amendments proposed by the editors were excellent and fruitful. The editorial board was organized to solicit excellent papers worldwide, the members of which are well known scientists in different fields of science and engineering. I enjoyed the service of the editorial board of IASET. The intellectual productions, the review processes, and the published works do not differ at all, from any other ranked academic journals.


Best Regards,

Waqed H. Hassan

Ph.D. Civil Engineering / Water Resources

College of Engineering

Karbala University,


March 24, 2014

Dr. Adil Nameh Ayyash,

What International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) is doing is truly revolutionary. I wholeheartedly support the open-access peer-reviewed journals that International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. This is the wave of the future for scholarly publishing. The editorial board was excellent to solicit excellent papers worldwide, the members of which are well known scientists in different fields of science and engineering. The employees in this journal are excellent in accommodating the requests. The review processes, and the published works do not differ at all, from any other ranked academic journals.


Best Regards,

Adil Nameh Ayyash

Dr. in   College of science, University of Anbar

Address: Bagdad,


March 24, 2014

Dr. Zoubir DENDANE, Algeria

In this testimonial, I’d like to show my satisfaction and support for the journal IJLL – in which I’ve had an article published – and for IASET journals as a whole. I express my gratitude for the editors’ hard work in reaching high academic levels through this global forum of research. Indeed, everything in their editorial work attests of innovation in the review and distribution of scholarly research production. I also appreciate the editors’ email responses and quick service delivery, as well as the publishing and printing quality.

Wishing to publish more with IASET.                                                 

Dr. Zoubir DENDANE,

Dept of Foreign Languages,

Tlemcen University,


March 24, 2014

Dr. Omar Qarani Aziz, Iraq.

1.      International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) can be considered as one of the preferable scientific international journals.

2.      Editorial board members are selected from different countries and different universities which is a great advantage.

3.      Accuracy is very good.

4.      Service delivery and mail responses are excellent.

5.      Very Flexible in accommodating requests.

6.      Quality of publishing & printing is very good.

Finally I would like the journal to be one of the most important scientific journals and raising its impact factor (JCC) values. 


Omar Qarani Aziz

Assistant Professor

Ph.D in Structural Engineering.


March 24, 2014

Dr. Sajid M. Sheikh, Botswana

International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) is doing a great job in the research arena. The response time including review and publishing is really great. The journals are of high impact factor (JCC) of International Standard with an Editorial Board from across the world. The editorial team is highly qualified with good customer service.

Best Regards,

Sajid M. Sheikh

Senior Lecturer

Department of Electrical Engineering,

Faculty of Engineering and Technology,

University of Botswana,


March 24, 2014

Dr. Roya Naderi, Iran,

The International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) has truly established itself as a high-quality journal in a rapidly emerging area of basic and advanced research in the field of engineering and science. Importantly, the Journal operates with a scientist-run editorial and reviewing process. The intellectual productions, the review processes, and the published works do not differ at all, from any other ranked academic journals.

Best regards,

Roya Naderi

Electrical Department

Islamic Azad University,

Heris Branch,



March 24, 2014

Dr. Zarife Gashi, Kosovo

The work that Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) is doing is a great example of how a science journal should be.

All the information were in the right time and in the right place.

The service that IASET provides is valuable and editorial board is so organized that there is no need to wait a long for publishing the paper.

I enjoyed the service, therefore, I’m looking forward to send new papers by the end of summer.

This is the greatest thing and a big benefit for the authors and new scientists all around the world.


Zarife Gashi


Department of Materials and Metallurgy

Pristina, Republic of Kosovo

March 24, 2014

Dr. Eman A. Hussain, Iraq

The service that IASET provides is both valuable and important. The editorial board was organized to solicit excellent papers worldwide, the members of which are well known scientists in different fields of science and engineering. I enjoyed the service of the editorial board of IASET.

With regard to the production of the Journals, it was a wonderfully directing particularly the marking of Impact Factor on the cover of the Journal .The printing is invaluable, and I expect a rapid deployment of the Journals for entire world if IASET try to keep the current pattern and context of the working in a growing activity .

Best Regards

Dr. Eman A. Hussain

Assistant Professor in Applied Math,

Department of Mathematics,

College of Science,

AL-Mustansiriyah University.

