
Subscription Information



International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology  (IASET)  presents Journals in print and electronic form. Below is price list of subscription for the year 2011. Subscribers to print edition of any journal shall receive free online access.

IASET is a self supporting organization and does not receive funding from any institution/government. Hence, the operation of the journal is solely financed by the processing fees received from authors. The processing fees are required to meet operations expenses such as employees’ salaries, internet services, electricity etc. Being an Open Access Publisher, IASET does not receive payment for online subscription as the journals are freely accessible over the internet. 

Price list / Subscription order form (Inside India in INR for Indian Libraries)


Price list / Subscription order form (Outside India in US$)


Customized journal package discount :


We offer discounted subscription rates on multi-journal collections. For information on the cost of the package of titles you choose from our journals list and a sample quotation, please send an email to



Mode of Payment :


Subscriptions are payable in advance and all rates include postage and taxes. Subscribers are requested to send payment with their order whenever possible. Issues will only be sent on receipt of payment. Subscriptions are entered on an annual basis – January to December – and paid in INR. For payments in USD, Euros and Sterling, please calculate at the prevailing exchange rate. Subscriptions are subject to renewal in subsequent years. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Payment can be made by Bank (Wire) Transfers and demand drafts. All payments should be made to "IASET" payable at Chennai, India


For more information or assistance to place an order, please feel free to contact us again at


Dispatch :


Journals are sent by registered air-mail to all countries except INDIA where journals are sent by surface mail.


Change of Address : Please include journal title and current label with new address. It will take atleast  four weeks for us for processing.

Note: that all subscriptions are payable in advance and all rates include postage and taxes. Subscribers are requested to send payment alongwith their order. Journal issues will be sent on receipt of advance payment only. Subscriptions are entered on an annual basis, i.e. January to December and are subject to renewal in subsequent years. Prices are subject to change without notice. Also if for a particulat discipline, in the event of IASET's inability to make an edition due to paucity of quality papers, requests from researchers, extraneous circumstances etc., IASET reserves the right to send the journal copy of the next impending edition or send the journal that is closely associated with the journal discipline that is subscribed for.  For example, if "Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering " is subscribed for, and if that journal is not printed in the present edition, then a journal copy of  "International Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering " will be sent to the subscriber or else a copy of "Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering" of next printed edition will be sent to the subscriber. 



How to Order? / Address for Subscription


There are several easy ways to order from International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology  (IASET) :


To order by e-mail place your order at


To order by telephone, please call us at 91- 96770 10334



To order via regular postal mail, please mail complete subscription information along with the fees to:

The Director - Publication & Subscription,

International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology  (IASET)

Ist Floor, Plot No: 37A, City Park Layout, Old No: 34 / New No: 12,

Egattur (near SIPCOT IT Park, OMR - Opp to FLSmidth Company),

Chennai - 603103, Tamil Nadu, India

Phone:  91- 93449 18073

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