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Research Specialization
Assistant Professor
“Method Development and Validation for Simultaneous Assay of Selected Drugs in Pharmaceutical Dosage form by RP – HPLC Method”
NANDYAL,Andhra Pradesh,India
STEM ,Fluid mechanics
HYDERABAD,Andhra Pradesh,India
Darshan J. Mehta
Assistant Professor
PhD (Pursuing) in Civil Engineering Department from Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat from July 2016.
Professor & Controller of Examinations,
Registered as Registerd Pharmacist in Karnataka State Pharmacy Council (Reg. No 25939)
Anantapur,Andhra Pradesh,India
Research Scholar,
Best Paper Award in the International Conference & National conference
Tirunelveli,Tamil Nadu,India
Vikas Verma
Research Scholar
Research Paper on “Speed Control of Sensorless BLDC Motor through Different Controller”
Uttar Pradesh,Andhra Pradesh,India
Assistant Professor
The Ecopoetics of Gary Snyder: An Analysis of Select Poems.
Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu,India
Dr. Thirunahari Ugandhar
Assistant Professor
Best Biotechnologist Award 2015 in National Level from DERO (Deccan Environmental Research Organization) Vijayapuri Karnataka.
Telangana,Andhra Pradesh,India
Associate Professor
production engineering, manufacturing engineering.
ibrahimpatnam,Andhra Pradesh,India
Thirunahari Ugandhar
Assistant Prof of Botany
Research Publications in reputed National and International Journals:- 2018-2019 1) Ugandhar T, Venkateshwarlu. M, Odelu G, Rajendra Prasad B and Anitha Devi (2018) In Vitro Plantlet regeneration of of Tamato (Solanum lycoperiscan Mill. cv. Pusa Ruby) from shoot tip explants using five Cytokin Indian Journal of Botanical Society 2) Parvathi D, Venkateshwarlu M, Dinesh Khanna N and Ugandhar T (2018) Protoplast isolation of Soy bean Glycine max L. Merrill from leaf explants International journal of The Pharma and Innovation 7(10) : 661-665 Nov 2018 UGC Approved 3) Rajendra Prasad B. Prameela K.,Waghire Bhausaheb and Ugandhar T.(2018) Studies on High frequency multiple shoot induction of Solanum surattense Burm .F from floral bud explants European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol-5 Issue 11 406-411 Nov 2018 UGC Approved Impact Factor: 6.21 4) Ugandhar T, (2018) Rajendra Prasad B, Venkateshwarlu M, Odelu G and Parvathi D (2018). Studies on Experimental mutagenesis on Chick Pea ( Cicer aritinum L.) induced by Ultraviolet Rays and Ethyl methane Sulphonate European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol-5 Issue 8 506-511Aug 2018 Approved Impact Factor: 6.21 2017-2018 5) Venkateshwarlu M, Odelu G, Babitha Kumari. D, Nagaraju.M, and Ugandhar T (2018) Studies in the phytochemical analysysis and biological activities of leaves of Solanum surattense burm.f A medicinally important plant. International journal of Bioscience Discovery 9(1) 114-121 Approved Impact Factor: 2.21 6) Madan Mohan G, Rajendra Prasad .B., Odelu G., and Ugandhar T. (2018) Studies on Antimicrobial activity of Garlic (Alium sativus .L) Extract Against Bacillus subtilis and Aspergillus niger international journal of current advanced research ISSN: O: 2319-6475, ISSN: P: 2319-6505, Vol: 7; Issue 1; Jan 2018; Page No.9169-9172 UGC Approved Impact Factor: 6.21 7) Venkateshwarlu M, Odelu G, Babitha Kumari. D, Nagaraju.M, and Ugandhar T (2018) Studies in the phytochemical analysysis and biological activities of leaves of Solanum surattense Burm.F. A medicinally important plant Bioscience Discovery, 9 (1): 114-121. UGC Approved Impact Factor: 1.21 8) Ugandhar T., Venkateshwarlu M, Odelu G., Srilatha T and Anitha Devi U (2017) In Vitro Propagation of Solanum surattense Burm. F by High frequency multiple shoot induction from floral bud explants international journal of current advanced research ISSN: O: 2319-6475, ISSN: P: 2319-6505, Vol: 6; Issue 12; Dec 2017; Page No. 8264-8268 UGC Approved Impact Factor: 6.21 9) Venkateshwarlu M, Nagaraju M, Odelu G, Srilatha T and Ugandhar T (2017) Studies on phytochemical analysis and biological activities in Momordica dioica Roxb through Fruit The Pharma Innovation Journal Vol: 6 (12): 437-440 UGC Approved Impact Factor: 1.481 10) Venkateshwarlu M, Odelu G, Parvathi. D, Anitha Devi U, and Ugandhar T (2017). Synthetic Seed Production from Encapsulated Somatic Embryos of Green gram (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Indian Journal of Botanical Society e-ISSN:2455-7218, ISSN:0019 - 4468 Vol. 96 (3&4) :278-283 UGC Approved Impact Factor: 3.481 11) Ugandhar Thirunahari (2017) In Vitro Micropropagation Studies on Shoot tip explants of Solanum torvum (Swartz) – An Important Medicinal Plant International Journal of Scientific Research Volume 6, Issue 1, 697-701 Impact Factor: 3.481 12) Ugandhar T, Odelu G, Parvathi. D, Anitha Devi U and Venkateshwarlu M.( 2017) Agro bacterium mediated Genetic transformation and regeneration from leaf Explants of Solanum torvum (Swartz) A medicinally Important plant Int. J. Adv. Res. 5(5), 896-904 Impact Factor: 6.118 2016-2017 13) Ugandhar Thirunahari (2016) In Vitro Plantlet Regeneration from Cotyledonary explants in Solanum torvum (Swartz) A Medicinally Important plant European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Volume 3, Issue 8, 207-213. Impact Factor: 3.881 14) Karunakar T, Shankaraiah A. Parvathi.D and Ugandhar T.* (2016) Investigation of the Phytochemical Analysis and Biological activities in Datura metel.L European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences Volume 3, Issue 5, 161-166. Impact Factor: 4.881. 15) Parvathi.D.Venkateshwarlu.M, Anitha Devi.U and Ugandhar.T (2016) In Vitro Micropropagation from Apical bud Explants Culture of Night shade (Solanum nigrum L.) A Medicinally Important Plant International Journal of Emerging technology & Research Vol 3, Issue 6, 1-7 Impact Factor: 1.881. 16) Odelu G, Ayodhya Ramulu Ch, Venkateshwarlu M, Anitha Devi U, Parvathi D, Ugandhar T,(2016) Induced Herbicide resistance in certain food Legumes using in Vitro Techniques. Journal of Plant Sciences.. USA 4(3):58-62. 17) Ugandhar T, Odelu G. Ayodhya Ramulu. Ch Anitha Devi U. Sammaiah D. and Venkateshwarlu M. (2016) Plant let Regeneration via Callus induction from leaf explants of Solanum surattense Burm. (F) A Medicinally important Plant European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences Vol: 3 Issue: 3 161-166 Impact Factor: 3.881 18) Ayodhya Ramulu Ch. Sammaiah D. Venkateshwarlu M., Odelu G. Balaraju P. and Ugandhar T. (2016) Direct Plantlet Regeneration from Shoot Tip Explants through Clonal Propagation of Physic Nut (Jatropha curcas L.) International Journal of Researches in Biosciences, Agriculture and Technology Vol. 1 (3), 179-184 2015-2016 19) Sammaiah D. Odelu G. Venkateshwarlu M. Srilatha T. Anitha Devi U and Ugandhar.T (2015) Plantlet Regeneration of Somatic embryos from Leaf Explants of Mentha arvensis (L.) A medicinally important Plant Academic Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Science publishing Group; 4(4): 173-178 Impact Factor: 2.5. 20) Ugandhar.T, Sammaiah.D, Ayodhya Ramulu.Ch Anitha Devi.U and Balaraju.P (2015) Direct multiple shoots proliferation of black night shade (Solanum nigrum L.) from shoot tip explants induced by thidiazuron Indian J. Pharm. Biol. Res. 3(1):71-76 Impact Factor: 1.5. 21) Balaraju, P., Ayodhya Ramulu, Ch., Venkateshwarlu, M. and Ugandhar, T. (2015) Influence of Peg imposed water stress and exogenous application of Brassino steroids on metabolites in Radish Asian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 6, Issue 01, pp. 951-955, 22) Karunakar.T, Ashok.A Balaraju.P, Anitha Devi. U and Ugandhar.T (2015). Analysis of microelements in the soil of forest ecosystem of Mahadevpur reserve forests of Karimnagar east division, Karimnagar District, Telangana, India IJETR, Impact Factor: 2.5. 23) Rajender Reddy, Anitha Devi. U, Balaraju. P, Chandraiah. G and Ugandhar. T, (2015) “Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi dependency of medicinal plants of Mahadevpur reserve forests of Karimnagar East Division, Karimnagar District, Telangana, India” Science Research Reporter , 5(1):14-19, Impact Factor: 0.6 Research Articles Published 1. Ugandhar.T, Venkateshwarlu M and Srilatha T (2015) Role of Biotechnology in Crop Improvement Major Constrains and Verdict of Crop Productivity Vol I Daya Publishing House A Division of Astral International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi – 75-97. 2. Ugandhar.T, Venkateshwarlu M and Jagan Mohan Reddy. K (2015) Micro propagation Major Constrains and Verdict of Crop Productivity Vol II Daya Publishing House A Division of Astral International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 390-413 2014-2015 24) Ayodhya Ramulu.Ch, Venkateshwarlu. M, Srilatha. T., Balaraju.P, Ugandhar.T (2014) Protoplasts Isolation From Leaf Explants Of Solanum Surattense Burm. F. A Medicinally Important IJETR, Vol-2, Issue-10: 22-25 Impact Factor: 2.5 25) Srilatha.T Anitha Devi .U and Ugandhar. T (2014) Efficient Plantlet regeneration in Blackgram (Vigna mungo l.) Hepper through Nodal Explants Culture” Bioscience Discovery, 5(2):131-138 Impact Factor: 0.8 26) Ugandhar.T Chandraiah. G, Anitha Devi .U, Bala Raju.P and Kanaka Rajesham.Ch (2014) Studies on Ethno-medicinal plants for womenfolk’s health care in Ramagiri Quilla of Mahadevapur Reserve Forest in Karimnagar District of Telangana Region Science Research Reporter, 4(1): 51-56, Impact Factor: 0.5 27) Ugandhar.T Sammaiah.D, Srilatha.T, and Anitha Devi. U (2014) Plantlet Regeneration From leaf Explants Through Organogenesis in Bitter Melon. (Momordica charantia L.). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies MCSER Publishing. Rome-Italy Vol- 3, 79-84. Impact Factor: 2.5 28) Ugandhar.T Srinivas.T, Srinivas.A, Sammaiah D Anitha Devi U and Kanaka Rajesham Ch (2014). Some Ethnomedicinally Important Plant Species of Andra pradesh India. International Journal of Flora & Fauna Special Issue Vol-19 No-1 ISSN 0971-6920 Page 113-114. Impact Factor: 3.5 2013-2014 29) UgandharT, Sammaiah.D Srinivas.T, Srinivas.A , Anitha Devi .U and Kanaka Rajesham Ch (2013) Biodiversity Values of Ethics and Aesthetics . Recent Advances in Biodiversity Conservation. Biotechnology and Environmental Management Research Vol-I ISBN-978-81-928063-0-3, Page 53-58. Impact Factor: 0.5 30) UgandharT, Sammaiah.D Srinivas.T, Srinivas.A, Anitha Devi .U and KanakaRajesham Ch (2013) Exploration of rare and Endengered Medicinal plants Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystem of Mahadevapur Reserve Forest of Karimnagar East Division, Karimnagar District of Andrapradesh, India. Recent Advances in Biodiversity Conservation. Biotechnology and Environmental Management Research Vol-I, ISBN-978-81-928063-0-3, Page-134-137. Impact Factor: 0.5 31) Kanaka Rajesham Ch, Narasinga Rao N, Venkateshwarlu M, Imran M.A and Ugandhar.T (2013) Direct Plantlet Regeneration from cotyledon and Leaf explants of Melothria maderaspatana L. Recent Advances in Biodiversity Conservation. Biotechnology and Environmental Management Research Vol-I, ISBN-978-81-928063-1-0, Page-178-184. Impact Factor: 0.5 32) Sammaiah D, Chandraiah G, Anitha Devi U, Kanaka Rajesham Ch and Ugandhar T (2013). Progress and prospects of medicinal plants of Ethnopediatric importance in Mahadevapur Reserve Forest of Karimnagar East Division of (A.P.) International journal of Bioscience Discovery, 4(2): 173-175 Impact Factor: 0.8 33) Thirumala Chary N, Venumadhav N and Ugandhar.T (2013) A Study on the microbiological status of few samples of packed fruit juice International journal of Bioscience Discovery Vol 4(2): 160-164 Impact Factor: 0.8 34) Ugandhar T. Srilatha.T.and Imran.M.A.(2013) Callus Induction and Somatic Embryogenesis From Leaf explants of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Int. J. International Journal of science. Innovation. Technology. Sec. B, Apr. Vol.2, Iss 2, pg 29-33. Impact Factor: 1.3 35) Kanaka Rajesham. Ch Venkateshwarlu.M, Sammaiah.D and Ugandhar.T (2013) Studies on the Medicinal Plant Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystem of Mahadevpur Forests of Karimnagar East Division, Karimnagar District of Andrapradesh India International journal of Bioscience Discovery Vol 4(1) /Issue 26/Jan-Mar 2013-82-88 Impact Factor: 0.8 36) Anitha Devi .U Ugandhar. T and SingaraCharya.M.A. (2013) Dynamic of Productivity in Lower Manair dam (LMD) and Kakatiya canal (KC) Karimnagar Andrapradesh India International journal of Bioscience Discovery Vol 4(1) /Issue 26/Jan-Mar 2013-111-116. Impact Factor: 0.8 2012-2013 37) Ugandhar.T Venkateshwarlu M Sammailah D and Jagan Mohan Reddy K (2012) . Rapid In Vitro Micro Propagation of Chick pea (Cicer arietinum L.) from Shoot tip and Cotyledonary node explants J Biotechnol Biomater 2:148. doi:10.4172/2155-952X.1000148 (1-6). Impact Factor: 3.5 38) Sammaiah D. Venkateshwarlu M. and Ugandhar T., (2012). Effect of some Pesticides on the Induction and growth of Somatic Embryos of Solanum melongena L. Plant Science Feed Vol.2 Issue 12- 183-186. Impact Factor: 0.8 39) Ugandhar T., Venkateshwarlu M. and Sammaiah D. (2012). In vitro Multiple shoots induction in Solanum lycoperiscon (Mill.) Wettst, through nodal culture. Plant Science Feed Vol.2 Issue 11- 163-167. Impact Factor: 0.8 40) Shaheena Parveen, M.Venkateshwarlu, D.Srinivas, K. Jagan Mohan Reddy and T. Ugandhar (2012). Direct in vitro shoots proliferation of Chick pea (Cicer arietinum L.) From shoot tip explants induced by Thidizuron Bioscience Discovery, 3(1):01-05, Jan. 2012 ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print) 1-5, Impact Factor: 0.8 2011-2012 41) Ugandhar T. Shekar G.P.V, Venkateshwarlu. M Srilatha .T and Jagan mohan Reddy (2011). Artificial seed production of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan.Mill sp) from cotyledon explants Bionano Frontier NCRNAIIAT-2012 101-106. Impact Factor: 0.7 42) Ugandhar T. Shekar G.P.V, Venkateshwarlu. M Srilatha .T and Jagan mohan Reddy (2011).Plant let regeneration from mature zygotic embryo culture of Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan.Mill sp) International journal of Pharma and Bioscience Vol 3/Issue 1/Jan-Mar 2011B-291-298. Impact Factor: 1.8 43) UgandharT, Venkateshwarlu. M Gousia begum, Srilatha.T and JaganmohanReddy (2011) In Vitro plant regeneration of Cucumber (Cucumis sativum L.) from Cotyledon and Hypocotyl explants Science Research Report 1(3):164-169 Nov 2011 Impact Factor: 0.6 44) Ugandhar T. Venkateshwarlu. M Parvathi.D Shekar G.P.V,Srilatha .T and Jaganmohan Reddy. K (2011). High frequency somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration from shoot tip explants of Soy bean (Glycine max .L.) Merr.). Science Research Report 1(3):146-150 Nov 2011 Impact Factor: 0.8 45) Ugandhar T. Shekar G.P.V, Venkateshwarlu. M and Jagan mohan Reddy (2011) High frequency Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration from cotyledon explants of Cajanus cajanus L. International journal of Pharma and Bioscience Vol 3/Issue 1/Jan-Mar 2011B-291-298 Impact Factor: 1.8 46) Ugandhar T. Shekar G.P.V, Venkateshwarlu. M and Jagan mohan Reddy (2011) Genetic transformation of agronomical important plant Solanum melongena L. through hypocotyl explant Plant science feed 2011 1-(7) 142-146 Impact Factor: 0.8 47) UgandharT. Shekar G.P.V, Venkateshwarlu. M and Jagan mohan Reddy (2011) Direct Plantlet Regenaration from seedling explants of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Bionano Frontier NCRNAIIAT-2011 131-132. Impact Factor: 1.2 48) UgandharT. Venkateshwarlu. M Shekar G.P.V and Jaganmohan Reddy.K (2011) Somatic embryogenesis and Plantlet regeneration from leaf explants of Capsicum annuum.L using Thiodiazuron. Journal of Bio Science Discovery 02 (2):243-248 Impact Factor: 0.8 49) Ugandhar.T. Venkateshwarlu. M Shekar G.P.V (2011) In vitro plant regeneration from shoot tip explants of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan. L). Journal of Bio Science Discovery 02 (2):193-195 June 2011. Impact Factor: 0.8 2010-2011 50) Ugandhar T., Shekar G.P.V. Manjula., P (2010). High Frequency Plant Regeneration from leaf explants of Solanum nigrum. L. Advances in Plant Sciences 23(1)15-17.2010. 2009-2010 51) RamaSwamyN.,Ugandhar T. Praveen. M.and Upender.M (2009). Micropropagation of Solanum surattense A medicinal Plant. In vitro Cellular Development Biol. revised). Impact Factor: 1.8 2006-2017 52) Rama Swamy N., Ugandhar T., Praveen M and Rambabu M. (2006). In vitro selection of NaCl, KCl and Mannitol tolerant cell lines in Solanum surattense – a medicinal herb. Proc.A.P. Akademi of Sciences. Hyderabad.Vol.11(1) 2007;21-28 Impact Factor: 0.5 53) Rama Swamy N., Ugandhar T., Praveen M., Upender M., Rambabu M., Venktaiah P, and Mahender P. (2006). “Efficient plant regeneration for rapid in vitro multiplication of Indian Solanum A report. Indian J Genet & Plant Breeding 66 (2): 159-160. Impact Factor: 2.8 54) Rambabu M., Ujjwala D., Ugandhar T., Praveen M., Upender M and Rama Swamy N. (2006). In vitro Zygotic embryo culture of an endangered forest tree Givotia rottleriformis and factors affecting its germination and seedling growth. In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biol. 42(5): 418-421. Impact Factor:2.5 55) Ugandhar T., Praveen M., Upender M., Rambabu M., Subhash K., and Rama Swamy N. (2006). In vitro multiple shoot induction from cotyledon explants of Solanum surattense – A medicinal herb. In: Recent Trends in Biotechnology, (ed) T Pullaiah and Rama Swamy Nanna, Regency Publication New Delhi PP. 139- 146. Impact Factor: Nil 2005-2006 56) Venkataiah P., Praveen M., Upender M., Rambabu M., Ugandhar T., Subhash K. and Rama Swamy N. (2005). Androgenic haploidy in Solanum species – A review In: Recent Trends in Biotechnology. (eds) T. Pullaiah and N. Rama Swamy, Regency Publications India PP 6-16. Impact Factor: 0.8 57) Rama Swamy N., Ugandhar T., Praveen M, Lakshman A, Rambabu M. and Upender M. (2005) Induction of Streptomycin–resistant plantlets in Solanum surattense through in vitro mutagenesis. Plant Cell Tissue Org. Cult. 80: 201-207 Impact Factor: 3.8 58) Rambabu M., Ujjwala D., Ugandhar T., Praveen M., Upender M. And Rama Swamy N. (2005). Effect of GA3 on enhancement of in vitro seed germination in an endangered forest tree – Givotia rattleriformis (Euphorbiaceae). The Indian Forester. 131(1) 25- 30. Impact Factor: 1.8 59) Rama Swamy N. Ugandhar T., Praveen M., Venkataiah P., Rambabu M.,Upender .M., and Subhash K.,(2005). Somatic embryogenesis and Plantlet formation from cotyledon and leaf explants of Solanum surattense Burm.f Indian J Bio tech.4:414-418. Impact Factor: 2.8 2004-2005 60) Bir Bahadur.,Ugandhar T., Krishna babu B., and Rama Swamy N.,(2004) Spectral characteristics of stigmatic exudales in three distylous Rubiaceae Advances in plant sciences 17(1) 23-26,2004 Impact Factor: 1.8 61) Rama Swamy N, Ugandhar T, Praveen M, Lakshman A, Rambabu M and Venkataiah P (2004) “In Vitro propagation of medicinally important Solanum surattense” Phytomorphology 54 (3&4) 281-289. Impact Factor: 3.8 2003 62) Praveen M., Lakshman A., Ugandhar T., and Rama Swamy N., (2003) In Vitro multiplication of Strychnos potatorum Linn F from root explants –A medicinally important Plat Journal of Non Timber forest products 10 (3/4):230-234. Impact Factor: 1.0
Karimnagar,Andhra Pradesh,India
Darshan Mehta
Assistant Professor
Flood Modeling, Hydraulics, Water Resource Engineering, Water Distribution Network, Climate Change
University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Nuclear and Particle Physics Polymer Science Image Processing Neural Networking Model Simulations in High Energy Physics Radiation Physics
Tabuk,Al Batah,Saudi Arabia
University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Nuclear and Particle Physics Polymer Science Image Processing Neural Networking Model Simulations in High Energy Physics Radiation Physics
Tabuk,Al Batah,Saudi Arabia
Assistant Professor
Coimbatore,Almaty oblysy,India
Assistant Professor
Coimbatore,Almaty oblysy,India
Assistant Professor
Presented a paper on “ Financial Inclusion in India“ in Two days National seminar on organized by the Department of Commerce, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi on 05.02.2011
Tamil Nadu,Andhra Pradesh,India
Associate Professor
Software Engineering, Software Reliability, Evolutionary Algorithms, Data Mining
Bhimavaram,Andhra Pradesh,India
Ruhi Bakhare
Assistant Professor
Marketing Research, Consumer behaviour, Retail Management, CSR, Sales and Distribution Management, Product management and Brand Management
Gopal Thapa University Lecturer
Marketing and advertising
New Baneshor, Kathmandu,Kars,Nepal
Gopal Thapa University Lecturer
Marketing and advertising
New Baneshor, Kathmandu,Kars,Nepal