
July 06, 2019

Ifeoma Onyemelukwe

The International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) is committed to novelty and
excellence in the world of Academics via the various open-access peer-reviewed journals it produces.
International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) has a formidable team. Its
Editorial Board, comprising reputable scientists of world acclaim in different fields of Science and
Engineering call for excellent scholarly papers from all over the world. These papers have the credit of
being subjected to thorough review processes and stand indeed for what academic papers should be
now and in the future. International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) is indeed
setting the pace for excellence in academia.


Kind regards,
Prof. (Mrs.) Ifeoma Mabel Onyemelukwe, FNAL.

July 05, 2019

Chinmay Bepery

International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) is doing a great job for
scientist, researchers, faculty as well as university students. Now a days, young generation provide their
devotion for innovating something new. IASET is one of the strong, standard, highly focused true
platform for publishing articles. I wholeheartedly support the open-access peer-reviewed journals that
International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) Publishes. This is the wave of
the future for scholarly publishing. The service that International Academy of Science, Engineering and
Technology (IASET) provides is both valuable and visionary. The editorial board was organized to solicit
excellent papers worldwide, the members of which are well known scientists in different fields of science
and engineering. I enjoyed the service of the editorial board of IASET. 


Chinmay Bepery
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology
Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Dumki, Patuakhali-8602
Email:  chinmay.cse@pstu.ac.bd ,  chinmay.cse@gmail.com

March 31, 2019

Dr. Roland Getaruelas

Quality and credibility of publication, this how I describe IASET as a journal. I am very thankful of this
journal because the service is beyond expectation. The first I published my paper, upon acceptance
and final publication of my paper the editor scrutinized my paper in order to ensure the quality my
research, for me this is an indicator a professional working process and dedicated people. The support
I received during the revision of the paper was really an exemplary. Therefore, if you want a high
quality publication. It is my honor to recommend IASET journal to publish your paper.


Dr. Roland Getaruelas, 

Future University, Khartoum,



March 31, 2019

Dr. Nazar A. Hussein

International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) is doing is doing well. So, I support the open-access peer-reviewed journals that International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) Publishes. The service that International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) provides is so valuable. The members of the editorial board are well known scientists in different fields of science and engineering. I enjoyed the service of the editorial board of IASET. The review processes, and the published works are so well done could be regarded as ranked academic journals. 

prof. Dr. Nazar A. Hussein
Al kunooze University College
Department of pathological analysis techniques
Email: naz_hus184@yahoo.com
signature: N. A. Hussein

December 26, 2018


Being an author with International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET)
publications I totally agree that IASET is the most significant publisher, visionary and goal
oriented for all researchers and authors of the 21 st century and beyond. IASET publishes
scholarly journals of high reputation in a wide range of academic fields, including the
Engineering and Medical sciences, Arts, Humanities and Management within the shortest period
in the most professional way. These journals deliver original, peer-reviewed research from
international scholars to a worldwide audience and I have benefited not only from their lowest
fees but also from their editorial board discounts. I recommend IASET to all researchers and
book authors world-wide. The journals are available in electronic form in conjunction with their
print editions and are 100% free of plagiarism.. An E - certificate of publication is offered
promptly. For further it is excellent to visit the homepage of IASET to see how its innovative approaches
benefit the authors and researchers around the world. 


Best Regards
P.O.BOX 8445, 00100 NAIROBI, KENYA

December 26, 2018

Nidhi Shrivastava

International Academy of Science Engineering and Technology (IASET) provides very good platform for
the new scholars as well as experienced academicians worldwide to share their contributions in the
different field of knowledge. It was a very good experience throughout the publication process as I got
regular information from acceptance till publication. I felt grateful and also expect the same in future


Best regards,

Thanks and Regards
Nidhi Shrivastava
Research Scholar

December 17, 2018


Being an author with International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET)
publications I totally agree that IASET is the most significant publisher, visionary and goal
oriented for all researchers and authors of the 21 st century and beyond. IASET publishes
scholarly journals of high reputation in a wide range of academic fields, including the
Engineering and Medical sciences, Arts, Humanities and Management within the shortest period
in the most professional way. These journals deliver original, peer-reviewed research from
international scholars to a worldwide audience and I have benefited not only from their lowest
fees but also from their editorial board discounts. I recommend IASET to all researchers and
book authors world-wide. The journals are available in electronic form in conjunction with their
print editions and are 100% free of plagiarism.. An E - certificate of publication is offered
promptly. For further it is excellent to visit the homepage of IASET to see how its innovative approaches
benefit the authors and researchers around the world. 

Best Regards

December 07, 2018

Dr.M.Nasrin Sulthana



International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) provides ample of opportunity for the researchers and students to explore more with their research work. I wholeheartedly support the open-access peer-reviewed journals that International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) Publishes. The service that International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) were highly appreciable. The editorial board was very well organized to solicit excellent papers worldwide, the members of which are well known scientists in different fields of science and engineering. IASET provided quick response to our queries. The immediate response through mail make me more comfort and encourages me to publish more through IASET. 


Dr.M.Nasrin Sulthana

Faculty in Business and Management Studies,

Gulf college, Mabaila,

Sultanate of Oman.

November 30, 2018

Merita Bejtja


Often, I find that some terms and conditions on publishing researchers’ articles/papers in most of the
publishing institutions and organizations are to be considered more than restricting and rigorous, to say
the truth, limiting new ideas development through standards in writing. I am not against respecting certain
formats, but those become difficult to be respected while writing your facts and analyses. What I have
been experiencing through publishing my paper in International Academy of Science and Technology,
has been more than correct and scientifically estimative, it has been stimulating for more and other
research work in the future.

Merita Bejtja
Chief Audit Executive,
Bank of Albania
Sheshi Skenderbej , No.1 , Tirana
Email: mbejtja@yahoo.com
Email: mbejtja@bankofalbania.org

November 28, 2018

aaaaa, India

iaset iaset iaset